
Large 1.25"  Pentacle with 8mm Gemstone


Available with the following beautiful NATURAL  undyed and not irradiated gemstones* suitable for magick:

Aventurine:  balance, prosperity, good fortune

 *Black Onyx: protection, psychic self-defense, stability, self-discipline

Bloodstone: banish negativity, warn you of danger, use for healing

Carnelian: physical vitality, catalyst for healing, sacred to Isis 

Gold Tiger Eye: Solar strength, money draw, physical vitality

 Hematite: protection, grounding, stabilizing

Labradorite: psychic power, protection, enhanced intuition, the "Merlin Stone"


* Rhodocrosite: High self, love, balance, good health

Chrysocolla: Wealth, strength, good health

*Faceted Garnet: strength of will,  power, protection

*Lapis Lazuli: great good fortune, success, happiness

*Malachite: emotional balance, love magicks

Baltic Amber: Mother Earth magick, healing

Turquoise: mental & spiritual clarity, wealth, wisdom, joy

*Black Star Diopside:  use to enhance intellect, for grounding, 

White ( also Pink & Black ) Moonstone: psychic power, protection, honor the Triple Goddess, lunar attunement, balance & soothe emotions, enhance mediumship


*Quantity limited

